So I wanted to give the graphic designer some props for the winning logo I chose. I would say that the other graphic designers definitely took my creative brief and ran with it, but I didn't get what I had envisioned. I kept telling my friends and family when it comes along it'd just hit me. At one point, I truly thought the contest was going to end once again without a winning design. So without further ado, let me tell you a little bit about my winning designer.
Desynz, as she is known on 99 designs, or otherwise BJ, began designing at 8 years of age. Her first memorable design was a formal for her Barbie doll and her designing continued from there. Her first job in designing was as an Assistant Manager of a small local newspaper where she had to create the layouts of ads. From that point on she was hooked and a career of 25+ years in the graphics industry followed. She says, "My sense of design just comes naturally and all the software I use I learned by doing. Although, I have learned some rather awesome Illustrator techniques from the tutorials on the internet."
BJ's design aesthetic is one that prefers curves to angles and abstract or impressionist to literal. She loves color and gravitates toward jewel tones, purple being her favorite color. However, that said, she is able to put aside her own preferences and works with a client to achieve what the client envisions. I can attest to this because I asked for BJ's opinion in regards to her favorite design for me, but I still went with what I wanted. I’m stubborn that way! I loved her input and that she was very honest in how she felt design wise. She is accommodating and listens to her client.
Graphic design is not her only talent, she's made jewelry, and clothing on which she has hand-painted original designs. Right now her alternate creative outlet is jewelry made from reclaimed jewelry parts and lots of chains. She has a couple of shops on Etsy, but has not been very attentive to them lately due to designing for 99 designs. To see them, you can go the following websites: and She tells me she is also currently setting up a web site for her and her daughter's art called Arts Desyre.
I asked BJ where she draws her inspiration from and she says that when she reads a creative brief she waits to see what comes or doesn't come. With my brief she immediately saw the idea, and thank goodness she did!
BJ joined 99designs because she loves to design and needs a creative outlet. She has been a professional designer for over 25 years and plans to continue designing. BJ said, creating/designing is her life energy. So far her experience on 99designs has been positive and she is hopeful it will help her to create contacts for future work. I'm providing a link to her portfolio on 99 designs and you may contact her directly at